<접시 그림>은 플라스틱 접시 뒷면에 아크릴로 제작한 11점의 그림이다. 이 그림은 플라스틱 라탄무늬 휴지통을 산 다이소Daiso에 다시 갔을 때 마주한 또 다른 플라스틱 물건, 플라스틱 접시에서 시작한다. 다이소에서 발견한 플라스틱 접시는 누가 봐도 액자처럼 보였다. 플라스틱 물건에서 다른 무언가로 넘어갈 가능성을 마주친 것만 같아 이 접시 또는 액자에 그림을 그렸고, 그 결과는 성공적이었다.
Masterpiece of Plates is the paintings painted with acrylic on the back of plastic plates, which I discovered when I returned to Daiso (home goods store like Poundland in the UK), where I bought the plastic rattan trash can.
The back of the plastic plates seemed like a frame, no matter who saw it. Also, these objects looked like they could change their identity, not just as plastic objects, to something else. So, I painted on these, and the results were successful.
These paintings were made by pouring gel medium thickly behind a plate and mixing paint with the gel medium on the plate before hardening.
In my view, the charming point of these paintings is the embossed "Made in China," which is subtly visible in the centre of the pictures. This point reveals the fact that all the elements making up Masterpiece of Plates are plastic.
Detail shot of Masterpiece of Plates, No.1
Acrylic on plastic plate
26.5 X 18 X 2.1 cm.